Movies by Michael Lampert

Smash - Gefahr aus der Unendlichkeit

Smash - Gefahr aus der Unendlichkeit

1984: Scientists and a group of cultists discover intelligent beings in space. The initial effects of their alien biological order are terrible. The doctors are at a loss. But despite increased security measures, life still goes on. "Beings from another star? - That's ridiculous!" The show must go on. Two attractive young girls rehearse a dance for a commercial, but the recording equipment goes on strike. Filming is finished. Full of optimism for their future, the girls travel to a theater director's hotel. However: "Mr. Goldwine has been mi...

Der Allerletzte

Der Allerletzte

Cleo is a barmaid at Munich's top disco "Sugar Shake". She definitely thinks she's the first prize at any erotic lottery - and she has a heart, too.