Movies by Devora Wilde



Revolt is on the horizon in the ancient city of Lloris, ruled with an iron fist by the merciless Sheriff and The Brute. Believing their mystical powers could help free the oppressed citizens from tyranny, a young human seeks out the aid of the reclusive elves and their legendary Warlord. However, with both sides harbouring secrets, and hiding their true motives, this tentative alliance between the humans and elves may bring about the downfall of them all.

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

Amy (unwanted wife), in a desperate state, is seeking to find the courage to break through the confinements of fear and expose her untrustworthy husband, James, over the upcoming traditional family Christmas break. However in a dark twist of fate, when the opportunity presents itself will Amy be able to resist the lure of true freedom or succumb to commit the most heinous of crimes? HEAVY RAIN will expose you to the hard hitting realities of a troubled relationship and questioning whether any crime can be justified?

For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse

Ben and Jessa are getting divorced after twenty years and decided to sell their first house, but they found it in terrible shape after all these years and now they must work together to repair it and put it on the market.