Movies by Anna Rizzo

Scary Little Fuckers (A Christmas Movie)
It's Christmas eve. An inebriated dad brings home to his adolescent son a gift he hopes will mend their faltering relationship, a Fookah, a devilish and disgusting creature that in turns wrecks havoc on their lives.

Strapped for Danger
When three male strippers pull off a heist, they find themselves being tracked down by a homophobic cop. Hiding out in a frat house, our three anti-heroes find themselves getting into more trouble than they were trying to escape.
Seven Dorms of Death
Seven Dorms of Death brings us to a small college in New England, where the drama department is preparing to put on a play. Unfortunately, the last time (and only time) this particular play was put into production, the college's auditorium burned down and the entire cast and crew were killed. But that was over 100 years ago, and the head of the Drama Department has no fears that any such catastrophe will stop his production.

Hope and Amy have been through it all just like any other couple. But, can Amy lean on her unconditional love as Hope battles with the hardest decision of her life?

The Wrong Todd
Everything changes for Todd when his evil twin from a parallel universe arrives to steal his girlfriend.

Accidental Incest
Milton and Kendra fall for each other. The problem is that they are half-brother and half-sister.

The Sins of Dracula
As the star of his church choir, there's nothing that brings Billy more joy than the opportunity to sing for an audience. However, as his desire to perform grows, the stalwart youth finds that waiting until Sunday to get his fix just simply isn't enough. Going against the advice of his pastor, Billy follows his girlfriend into the world of secular entertainment, joining the local community theatre troupe. There, Billy is introduced to a whole new world, where his fellow thespians dabble in drugs, sexual perversion, and table-top game-play. Y...

Blood Pi
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating. Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find. There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU go from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
The Principal's Assembly
After the tragic loss of a student, high school principal Jane Marino insists on delivering a sobering speech on the first day of school, however, her emotional stability is called into question.