Movies by Nadia Deldar Golchin

The Blue-Veiled
An elderly owner of a tomato farm and sauce factory, after his wife's death, falls in love with one of the workers of the factory endangering his relationship with his daughters and in-laws. While everybody in the big family persuades the old man to abandon the relationship with the poor girl, the old man makes his final choice of love.

Farhad has lost his eyesight due to an injury sustained in battle. As part of his recovery, he is transferred to a temporary hospital, where he encounters young nurse Sheida. Sheida is surprised by his tolerance to the pain of his injury, but soon realises that her recitation of Quran verses has a miraculous calming effect on him. And as the two start to grow closer and Farhad begins to heal, they find themselves on the path between faith and hope, and the true nature of both is revealed to them.