Movies by Doc Crane

Drugged Waters
A Woman's Eyes
Tom Horn is known throughout the cow country as a hard worker and a hard player. Tom is the leader of a gang. The Buzzard stumbles across oil indications on a homestead occupied by an old man and his daughter. Tom's party agrees it will be a good scheme to jump the claim, and they set out.

Mixed Blood
For Nita Valyez, who is half-Spanish and half-Irish, Carlos represents potential violence and danger, two things to which she is both attracted and repelled. In contrast, she has only a passing interest in Big Jim, the town's honest, good-hearted sheriff. Then, after Carlos kills a faro dealer, he forces Nita to make an escape with him.

Flirting with Death
When an aviator dies performing in a traveling circus, the circus closes and sideshow con men "Sky-High" Billy Wardell and "Domino" Dominick are arrested for giving out fake watches to wheel of fortune winners. After Domino springs the jail's lock, they jump a freight train and arrive in the next town, where Billy falls in love when Jane Higgenbotham allows them to breakfast on her freshly baked pies.

The Melting Pot
The wide-ranging storyline of The Melting Pot takes its characters from the Jewish ghettoes of Russia to the Lower East Side of New York.