Movies by Alison Northcott

Hell Bent
This gripping examination of the empty moral values and mindless violence of three bored preteens is depicted without judgment and without sensationalism. The leader is Marty, a hyperactive boy with a natural talent for violence and destruction. One day he is bored and decides to rob a local house beside the railroad tracks. He enlists the aid of two friends and they end up holding a woman and her wheel-chair bound husband hostage while they callously destroy their home.

Soft Like Me
On a secluded prairie farm, adolescent boys labor in wheat fields for a sexually predatory warden and his farmhands, who threaten to feed them to a voracious beast if they ever disobey. The newly arrived Linus instantly catches the warden's eye, and begins to receive secret visitations from a mysterious girl. The other boys tell Linus the legend of a special boy who fled the farm and became a glorious angel that will one day return to free them all. When Linus asks the girl if she is the angel, her answer is enigmatic. After the warden's fav...