Movies by Burç Kümbetlioğlu

Mask: With a Polite Smile

Mask: With a Polite Smile

Baris is a young man who finds various deception methods to continue his life. The reason for this situation is seen as a reflection of the traumas he has experienced at past. However, there are bigger mysteries than thought.

Son Şarkı: Ahmet'in Türküsü

Son Şarkı: Ahmet'in Türküsü

Exiled Turkish–Kurdish folk singer Ahmet Kaya joins a young journalist on a road trip from Paris to Istanbul.

Tabula Rosa

Tabula Rosa

A man saves a woman from the deadly threat of a runaway kokorec cart and then realizes she lost her memory. He lets her stay at his house and hires her at his restaurant, only to find out that she still remembers how to cook food.