Movies by Uğur Polat

Liberation: Resurrection
It is the story of a nation's resurrection and victory, in which the War of Independence is told.

Suyun Öte Yanı

Strawberry Cake
Onur is a pastry owner who passionately loves making pastries. He makes a strawberry cake everyday but he never sells it. He reserves that cake for the woman whom he will fall in love with. One day, famous actress Burcu Burkan visits his pastry shop for shooting a scene. This meeting gives them an opportunity to cross their paths with each other but Burcu has a secret.

All Doors Were Closed
Nil spends years in jail and is being tortured during September 12 junta period and alienates the new life after she is released.

Two Turkish brothers find themselves on opposite sides of the political fence. When one of the brothers is murdered, the boys' father suspects that his surviving son was instrumental in the killing. Celebrated film director Elia Kazan returns to his acting roots in a key supporting role.

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