Movies by José Manuel Zapata

La pietra del paragone

La pietra del paragone

LA PIETRA DEL PARAGONE (The Touchstone) concerns the Count Asdrubale who is wealthy and therefore of great interest to many women – notably Aspasia, Fulvia, and Clarice. Only Clarice, however, loves him for something other than his riches. There are also male hangers-on: the corrupt journalist Macrobio, the poetaster Pacuvio, and Giocondo, who is Asdrubale's true friend, but who has his own eyes on Clarice. To test his friends and would-be fiancées, Asdrubale pretends that he has been bankrupted. Sure enough, only Clarice and Giocondo stand ...

The King Who Raved

The King Who Raved

The King Who Raved was created by Ramos Carrión, Vital Aza and Chapí in 1891; it is a milestone in the history of lyric theatre and on the stage of the Teatro de la Zarzuela. For few kings, not even the most popular kings of history, nor those most loved by their people, will have been so acclaimed, so applauded, or so hoorayed as our King in this kingdom of La Zarzuela.