Movies by Tijn Winters

Een glimp van geluk
The depressed Sall (19) is going swimming with his friends after being isolated for a long time. He doesn’t know his place in the group and suffers from destructive self talk. Can he open up and reinvent himself or will he lose his friends because of his behavior?

Je Bent Al Hier
Becoming the best version of yourself, the goal everyone consciously or unconsciously strives for. Everything can always be better, more beautiful, bigger, faster. Nowadays silence is the only time we can relax, but the world we live in is actually never quiet. There are noises everywhere and excitement everywhere. What can we learn from silence? In this film, a group of young adults spend a weekend together in silence at a Zen Buddhist monastery. They drink tea, clean, walk around and meditate together. The birds whistle just a little loud...

Marlon Brando
Best friends, Cas and Naomi are graduating from high school and spend every second of their days together. Within their friendship they experience a feeling of ultimate safety. But when their future plans are seemingly different, their relationship wobbles.