Movies by Monica Young
The Inseparables
The animated buddy movie follows the misadventures of Don, a runaway puppet with boundless imaginations, and DJ Doggy Dog, an abandoned plush looking for a friend, who cross paths in Central Park and team up against all odds for a epic friendship adventure in New York.
Along Came Wanda
A memory jogged by a teapot from an old lover quickly turns into an adventure of discovery for Mary Beth Higgins and her new found friend Wanda as they hit the road in Wanda's RV/Soup Truck.
Witness Unprotected
Sam is a divorced freelance photographer who is struggling to put her daughter, Laurie, though college. She takes any job, even the dangerous ones, to keep the paychecks coming. Her latest assignment, given to her by a private investigation firm, goes horribly wrong when Sam suspects the subject of her stakeout may have been the victim of foul play.
Nanny Killer
Hardworking student Kate takes a well paying summer job as a nanny at a winery to offset tuition expenses. Soon she realizes that something is off with the children she cares for.
Concerto for Abigail
A world-renowned pianist faces the devastating news that she has progressive hearing loss which will ultimately lead to deafness. This news comes at the same time a new love walks into her life. Will she let her fear of not being able to hear consume her and keep her from exploring this new love? Or will she allow Abigail in so they can deal with the hearing loss together?