Movies by Joe Cassidy

Middle Man

Middle Man

Davie has just started a new job in a call centre which provides communication services for deaf people. But just as Davie gets caught up in a heated tiff between lovers Nathan and Paul, his new 'stringent' bosses show up for an inspection.

Sophie Gets Stung

Sophie Gets Stung

Five of Snakeville's leading citizens are all determined to marry Sophie.

His Wife's Secret

His Wife's Secret

A burglar enters a darkened house to rob. A young wife, home alone, phones her husband at the club, begging him to come home. He returns stinking drunk and the decent-hearted burglar must intervene.

The Face at the Curtain

The Face at the Curtain

The Man, down on his luck, breaks into the home of a wealthy clubman to burglarize the place. The sudden dropping of a book which the man has displaced, arouses the wife who has been sitting up waiting for her husband. Ignorant of the fact that there is a burglar in the house, she telephones her husband at the club and asks him to come home. He refuses to do so until he is ready. When he arrives home, he is intoxicated. Her refusal to kiss him sends him into a drunken rage. He mistreats her. The Man has watched the whole domestic tragedy. He...

The Battle of Snakeville

The Battle of Snakeville

The proprietor of the O.K. hotel is advertising for a "lady" cook. Meanwhile, a Chinaman is stealing all his trade. Sophie arrives in Snakeville and applies for the position. The proprietor engages her without a moment's hesitation.

Broncho Billy's Scheme

Broncho Billy's Scheme

Colonel Emmett's daughter is captured by an outlaw who blindfolds her just before taking her to his hut, so, in case she escaped, she would be unable to lead anybody to his rendezvous. She is told by one of his accomplices that he intends forcing her into marriage, so she feigns illness. While the outlaw goes for a doctor, she writes a note saying that she is not ill, and is being held for ransom. The outlaw arrives with Broncho Billy, the doctor, whom he has also blindfolded. The girl slips him the note and he pretends to be attending her. ...

Broncho Billy Rewarded

Broncho Billy Rewarded

Broncho Billy, the town good-for-nothing, makes his headquarters at the saloon, where he makes a few cents each day by sweeping out the place. One morning the hotel proprietor, the general store keeper and the chairman of the town board, upon going to their places of business, find that they have been robbed.

Broncho Billy's Leap

Broncho Billy's Leap

John Wilson had driven the stagecoach for years. When his daughter, Marguerite, became old enough, he allowed her to make an occasional trip with him. It was when she was about 19 that she had the terrible experience. Her father and the express messenger bad gone into the general store. Marguerite remained on the coach to watch the horses, four of them. A shooting contest a few feet away frightened the horses and they bolted. On a gallop they dashed down the road. Marguerite screamed for her life.