Movies by Caroline Chesworth



In the manner of Tales of the Unexpected and twisted British anthology stories, Lips follows the curious events experienced by Michael, who learns that lending a sympathetic ear can have far-reaching consequences.

Waste Away

Waste Away

The story Waste Away revolves around a family grappling with the impact of a progressive neurological disease on their lives. It begins with a younger couple, David and Kate, facing the grim reality of David's diagnosis. As they struggle to come to terms with the implications, their relationship is tested by fear, anger, and uncertainty. Years later, the story intertwines past and present, showing an older David and Kate reflecting on their journey. Despite the pain and challenges, they find moments of peace and acceptance. The narrative ex...

Nobody Loves You and You Don't Deserve to Exist

Nobody Loves You and You Don't Deserve to Exist

A maverick British art house movie exploring solitude, sanity and suffering under The State. As a contagion befalls the UK a grieving teacher attempts to recover the tragic-comic fragments of his shattered self in Manchester.