Movies by Ian Nathan

Discovering Dance On Film

Discovering Dance On Film

A celebration of extraordinary choreographed moments in a countdown of TOP 25 of the most memorable dances in cinema history.

Discovering Christmas Films

Discovering Christmas Films

Gathering for a Christmas lunch, the film critics and writers of Discovering Film discuss the merits of 20 films from Bill Murray's star turn in Scrooged, the James Stewart classic It's a Wonderful Life, Ingmar Bergman's Fanny & Alexander, to Bruce Willis' memorable Die Hard.

The Story of British Cinema: The Pioneer Years

The Story of British Cinema: The Pioneer Years

For this inform­at­ive new one-off, film writer Ian Nathan focuses on the first 60 years of British film, from the inven­tion of cinema and the trans­ition from stage to screen, to the emer­gence of the stu­dios and the first pop­u­lar idols. Nathan takes us through the work of lead­ing Brit­ish film-makers — a tal­ent pool that, like Hol­ly­wood’s, benefited from the influx of refugees flee­ing Europe — includ­ing Alfred Hitch­cock, Pow­ell and Press­bur­ger, and many more besides.

Alien, Terror in Space

Alien, Terror in Space

In space, no one can hear you scream! the catchy slogan that accompanies Alien sums up the unprecedented stakes of this film that will mark the history of cinema. In 1979, for the first time on screens, a mainstream feature film will mix two distinct worlds of genre cinema: science fiction and horror. Ridley Scott forever shakes up the cinematic landscape by plunging the audience into anguish with his oppressive universe and his iconic monster. The documentary looks back at the lasting impact of this masterpiece, exploring Scott’s audacity a...