Movies by Gina Telaroli

Here's to the Future!
On a late-summer Sunday in 2011, a female director gathers a team of filmmakers, writers, musicians, artists, critics, and friends in an apartment to recreate a scene from Michael Curtiz's Depression-era drama The Cabin in the Cotton. Over plates of pasta and glasses of red wine, a round robin of non-professional actors take turns performing the same scene, again and again, In different permutations. With a freedom Influenced by pre--Code Hollywood, cameras, phones, and laptops are scattered around & set at almost every possible angle, d...

In Search of Gladys Glover
A diary-cum-thriller-cum comedy-cum-horror film shot on an iPhone (RIP BlackBerry!) for zero dollars with friends, IN SEARCH OF GLADYS GLOVER was born in the darkness of winter in a post-pandemic 2022 after a fateful 35mm screening of George Cukor’s NYC classic IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU (1954). Indebted to the spirits of Larry Cohen, Anne Charlotte Robertson, and New York City herself, IN SEARCH OF GLADYS GLOVER is a time-shifting journey about the disorienting feeling of being in the city the past few years. It’s a movie for everyone who wake...

In Search of Gladys Glover
A diary-cum-thriller-cum comedy-cum-horror film shot on an iPhone (RIP BlackBerry!) for zero dollars with friends, IN SEARCH OF GLADYS GLOVER was born in the darkness of winter in a post-pandemic 2022 after a fateful 35mm screening of George Cukor’s NYC classic IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU (1954). Indebted to the spirits of Larry Cohen, Anne Charlotte Robertson, and New York City herself, IN SEARCH OF GLADYS GLOVER is a time-shifting journey about the disorienting feeling of being in the city the past few years. It’s a movie for everyone who wake...

Aos Sí
Kinet's Halloween Omnibus feature.