Movies by Robert Trout

The Secret of Selling the Negro
Film commissioned by the Chicago-based publisher of Negro Digest, Ebony, Tan, and Jet to encourage advertisers to reach out to African American consumers. The Secret of Selling the Negro depicts the lives, activities, and consumer behavior of African American professionals, students, and housewives. A Business Screen reviewer noted that the film focused on the “bright positive” aspects of the “new Negro family.” The sponsor issued a companion booklet offering the “do’s and don’ts of selling to the Negro.”
The Constitution and the Labor Union
Shows the relationship of the Constitution to organized labor. Presents the case of Whitaker et al. v. North Carolina, in which a group of unions challenged the constitutionality of a state ban on the closed shop, the union shop, and other union security provisions. Traces the role of the fourteenth amendment in labor struggles.
More Than Meets the Eye
Promotional film extoling the virutes of radio advertising, even in a new era of televison.