Movies by Bengt Pohjanen

Saatana perkele helvettiin
About the Korpela movement or Siikavaara sect active during the 1930's in the far north of Sweden. Toivo Korpela a Laestadian preacher was outmanoeuvred by Sigurd Siikavaara and returned to Finland. Siikavaara who preferred apocalyptic beliefs and ecstatic rituals soon gathered a large following and became prophet #1. With Artur Niemi, prophet #2, he draped and enhanced the rituals with total sexual freedom. At the trial in 1939 Siikavaara assured that he had not been sober one day during the last 8 years. Chanting "Saatana, Saatana, Helvet...

"The Childhood Friend." - Tomas lives with her parents. One day, his father's cousin Serkuu comes to visit. At first Serkuu wins Tomas's trust but later he brutally let's him down. Fifteen years later, Tomas has become a police officer and takes his service revolver when calls on Serkuu to retaliate.