Movies by Nobuo Tanaka

Lupin the Third: Pilot Film

Lupin the Third: Pilot Film

The first animated adaptation of the popular manga series, this pilot introduces the main characters of "Lupin the Third" with montages, presented through a short frame narrative illustrating a typical gang escape.

Barom-1: The Movie

Barom-1: The Movie

Two children merge into the superhero Barom-1 to fight the evil Dolge. Theatrical version of episode 14 of the Barom-1 TV series

Gatchaman OVA

Gatchaman OVA

An enormous dragon-shaped warship decimates a city with plasma beams and giant robotic arms. Its target is the Mantel Plan, a network unifying the world's energy resources. As the sinister ship heads for its next target a team of specialists rise to the rescue: the Gatchaman. Piloting their ship, the Phoenix, the Gatchaman launch a counterattack. Once inside the enemy ship they come face to face with the Galactor's entire army of assassins.

Gatchaman: The Movie

Gatchaman: The Movie

Five young superhero ninja employed by the International Science Organization oppose an international terrorist organization of technologically advanced villains who are trying to control Earth's natural resources.