Movies by Bob Dole
The story of the often contradictory and always audacious public figure, Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci, the former Mayor of Providence, RI. The film tracks Cianci's entanglements with city council opposition, union skirmishes, personal scandals, and criminal indictments. The result is a fascinating study of American local politics and a surprising tale of a man who, in the words of one commentator, "has a city as his mistress."
Desert Storm: The War Begins
An historic presentation by CNN documenting the lead up to and the beginning of the war in Iraq.
Nixon: A Presidency Revealed
More than three decades after the notorious political scandal that ended his career, this revealing documentary explores the legacy of President Richard Nixon. Newly released audio and never-before-seen footage shed light on Nixon's administration, from the heights -- his historic trip to China and the end of conflict in Vietnam -- to the shocking lows that made his name synonymous with political deception.
1996 Second Presidential Debate
The second and final presidential debate between President Bill Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole took place on Wednesday, October 16, 1996, at the Shiley Theater on the campus of University of San Diego in San Diego, California. The town hall style debate was moderated by Jim Lehrer of PBS' The NewsHour with featuring the questions asked by members of the audience.
1996 First Presidential Debate
The first presidential debate between President Bill Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole took place on Sunday, October 6, 1996, in the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in Hartford, Connecticut. The debate was moderated by Jim Lehrer of PBS' The NewsHour, who posed the questions for each candidate.
1976 Vice Presidential Debate
The only vice presidential debate between Senator Bob Dole and Senator Walter Mondale took place on Friday, October 15, 1976, in the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas. It was the first vice presidential debate in American history. James Hoge of Chicago Sun-Times posed the questions for each candidate.
Doolittle's Raiders: A Final Toast
A detailed look at the Doolittle Raid, and the final official public reunion of the surviving Raiders.