Movies by David Markey

Sand Trap
After falling victim to a burglar, Nelson, a wealthy businessman, takes a trip to the desert with his wife Margo and lawyer/friend Jack. The trip takes an unexpected turn when Jack helps Nelson over a cliff. Jack and Margo return to the site with the sheriff only to discover Nelson's body is missing, indicating he is still alive. As Nelson struggles to survive against madness and the elements, two separate searches for him are conducted--one by an increasingly suspicious sheriff and the other by the treacherous Margo and Jack.

Flipside Video Fanzine Number 1
1 Social Distortion– Under My Thumb 2 Social Distortion– 1945 3 Social Distortion– Playpen 4 The Vandals– Anarchy Burger 5 The Vandals– Hocus Pocus 6 Sin 34– Trip To San Francisco 7 Black Flag – Rise Above 8 Black Flag – Louie Louie 9 RF7– Vampire Lady 10 MDC – Police Riot At Mendiolas 11 Descendents – Hey Hey 12 Descendents – Bikeage 13 Descendents – Jean Is Dead 14 D.I.– Ballroom Blitz 15 D.I.– Richard Hung Himself 16 True Sounds Of Liberty*– Code Blue 17 Circle Jerks– Just Like You 18 Circle Jerks– Put A Little Love In Y...

Citizen Tania
The Symbionese Liberation Army kidnaps Patty Hearst, but Patty is all-too-willing to join them, in this strange docudrama by renowned artist Raymond Pettibon.

Weatherman '69
Featuring a cast that includes Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, Mike Watt of the legendary hardcore band Minutemen, and Pettibon himself, this deadpan narrative pays dubious homage to the 1960's radical underground. In this crudely rendered home video of a commune of stoned revolutionaries, the cameras are hand-held, the edits in-camera, and the dialogue is wryly on-target. Pettibon's band of outsiders reenacts a countercultural moment defined by rock music, drugs, and ideological paradox — and in so doing, captures their own lat...

Lou Believers
Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon, and Lou Reed roam the streets of Los Angeles searching for James Woods.

Rap Damage
Thurston on a bender. Shot one day during a break on the Ragged Glory Tour. Hip Hopped-up NYC roadie Maurice Menares plays the psychotic sidekick/bunny. Offensively endearing, in the face of P.E., N.W.A., REM, and Desert Storm. Chance occurrence of fire, predating the LA riots. Stopping at yard sales, ended up on Venice beach. By the end of the day, I went nuts. Keep in mind, this was at a time when "Rico Suave" by Gerrardo was in heavy rotation.