Movies by Nikolay Smorchkov

Youth Street

Through Icy Haze
After the events of 1905, the proletariat slowly retreated with battle. The Lenin headquarters of the leadership of the revolution was moved to Finland. There Lenin and Krupskaya live illegally in safe houses. Vladimir Ilyich works on his articles, occasionally his associates visit him, sometimes he goes to the city for meetings with his party comrades — Gorky, Kalinin, Krasin, and others. By all possible means, Lenin directs the activities of the Bolsheviks in Russia...

Polar Fox Napoleon III
A young arctic fox Napoleon III, having escaped from animal farm, ended up in the village of Kovylkino. Following him, hunters, trappers, animal farm workers, a police detachment and correspondents came into the village. Thanks to the six-year-old preschooler Serpokrylov, everything ended well, and the people who took part in the pursuit of the young arctic fox returned to their business, having managed to tell about their dreams and about themselves.

Jamal's Tree
Story of Jamal, a Turkmen woman who is left to tend to the farm when her husband goes off to fight in WW2.