Movies by John Gregson
To Dorothy, a Son
Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, Myrtle stands to inherit $2,000,000 if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs on the way, else he gets the cash. She journies from New York to England, and finally tracks him down with his heavily pregnant new wife. Should she try and woo him back or challenge the legality of the new marriage?

Jacqueline is the daughter of Belfast shipyard worker Mike McNeil. The worker's worth is compromised by his crippling fear of heights. Dismissed from his job, he finds solace in the bottle. All seems hopeless until Jacqueline breaks through her father's self-imposed gloom and helps him to regenerate. An adaptation of the novel 'A Grand Man', by Catherine Cookson.
The Passionate Pilgrim
Tells the story of a group of nurses working with Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War. “The story is based on the diary of Miss Sarah Anne Terror who was one of the thirty-eight women to accompany Miss Florence Nightingale to the Crimea in 1854. The principle characters are the nurses and doctors who fought to make her venture a success. Their names may be unfamiliar, but in their different ways they possessed the qualities of true greatness.” - Radio Times (1953).

Hand in Hand
Seven-year-olds Michael and Rachel are best friends who do everything together and who have vowed to remain friends "forever and ever and can't be parted for never and never". Unfortunately, the society that Michael and Rachel live in is one of religious intolerance. The fact that Michael is Irish Catholic and Rachel is Jewish is a point of conflict for just about everyone in the community.

The Omega Mystery
Butler and Robinson have to track down a saboteur at an atomic research station before it is too late.
Murder is involved when an intruder is found in a large department store just after it closes.