Movies by Denise Donovan

ANI: A Parody
Ani Skywalker is in the dumps. His wife is dead. He's stuck in a bogus government he hates. He spends most of his time staring out into space, thinking about the good old days. But things are about to change for Ani as he sets off for adventure in the galaxy's biggest come-back...

1Night 2Last 3Ever
Revisit your childhood with 1night 2last 3EVER, Team Starkid's second show at the Second City! Set to the theme of 90's Pop Nostalgia, 3EVER (for short) tackles such timely topics as boy bands, cereal commercials, and dial-up modems. Directed by Brian Holden and written by the cast, 3EVER never fails to deliver big laughs in the city of big shoulders.

Airport for Birds
From the group that brought you A Very Potter Musical comes "Airport for Birds," an evening of "great" ideas and other bits that have hit the cutting room floor. Watch familiar StarKid faces fly through 90 minutes of sketch comedy and music, filmed live at The Second City's UP Comedy Club! Grab your bird-ing pass, the nearest unattended bag, and prepare for departure.

At the dawn of humanity, one tribe of cave-people survives the many trials of prehistoric life under the wise leadership of Jemilla, The Peacemaker. Jemilla taught her people to express themselves, rather than bashing each others' heads with rocks and eating each others' babies. But one member of the tribe doesn't seem to fit in: Zazzalil. She's always trying to invent things to make life easier… for herself. While out hatching her latest scheme, Zazzalil stumbles upon the most important discovery in history. One that will pit her tribe agai...