Movies by Stanislav Neumann

Andula vyhrála
Třírohý klobouk

History of Philosophy
A student rebellion precedes revolutionary events in Prague.

Hry a sny

Váhavý střelec

Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“

Na dobré stopě
The Green Notebook
Darounická poudačka

Prázdniny v oblacích
In the beginning, the book of Bohumil Říha was about the aircraft of Kaneti. Both the book and the film that came out of it tell about children's parties spending their holidays near the sports airport. The newly scanned airplane first assigns to aliens, then suspects them of espionage, but in the end it will explain everything. Children will even find the courage to take part in an aviation trip. According to period reviews, the film was a bad thing to teachers, as they said it was inappropriate.
Kouzelný míč

Pelikán má alibi
Zlý jelen

Pozdní láska
School for Fathers
A new teacher with high standards and a strong sense of duty replaces an easy grader. Once bad grades begin to pile up, a product of his predecessor's subservience to the system, the new teacher has to stand up for himself and his students.
Řeč o Puškinovi