Movies by You Il-han

Miss Change
Je-Chil is a lawyer that does well financially, but he has never dated a woman in his life. He can't even make eye contact with women. His severe shyness effects his job. In court, he can't make eye contact with women and becomes brain frozen. Because of this, he loses case after case. Je-Chil has held a secret crush on Soo-Hyun for over 10 years. Je-Chil's life then changes. On a rainy evening, Je-Chil finds a beautiful woman unconscious on the ground. He brings her home.

In 2025, South and North Korea unified. It was triggered by a sudden explosion in Midnight near the North of DMZ by a forest fire in December, 2024. The South Korean army unwittingly ended up helping to put out the fire. Such cooperation caused their unification. And 10 years later, A koreanAmerican Documentary Director Steven, working for USA tv-station NXN visits to korea. He is searching for information about the mysterical Green-light appeared in that forest fire in 2024. After some dangerous twists and turns, He found a huge secret of t...