Movies by Mika Nuojua



A poor wild-life writer named Hamsteri, who is obsessed with natural disasters, lives in a wooden cottage in the countryside with his only friend, Minnie the mouse. In the village he is considered a bit odd and he is indeed special! When a lottery-winning family moves in next door, Hamsteri gets the hoarding opportunity of his dreams and in the process changes the course of the lives of Rurik, a bookkeeper who has lost his will to live, his wife Tellu and their children. Thus begins hoarding for what Hamsteri imagines will be "the cruellest ...



Waitress Saara meets handsome journalist Joni, and soon moves in to live with him. Joni tries his best to satisfy Saara sexually but, disturbed by violent lesbian fantasies, she is unable to experience orgasm. Trying to cope with the situation, Saara has another brief affair back in her old home town.

Ricky Rapper and the Fake Vincent

Ricky Rapper and the Fake Vincent

Serena Rapper gets a strange prediction: a genius has been born to her immediate family. When Serena finds a drawing Ricky has made, she is certain that Ricky is Vincent Van Gogh reborn. She decides to show Ricky's drawing to the intendant of the Art Museum. At the same time, a sketch of one of Van Gogh's paintings is found in Finland! This discovery starts an exciting chain of events, and in the end, the janitor of the Art Museum, a keen amateur detective, helps Ricky and Nelly to solve the mystery.