Movies by Judith Hoersch

Hunting down the murderer of their families in an anarchic Berlin of the near future, the outlaws Tan and Javid find themselves trapped in the wicked fairytale of a mysterious screenplay that entangles them in a vicious circle of revenge – apparently all written by a clueless dentist.

Vacation from Life
Lilo is a resolute woman, creative in her mind and images, until a devastating diagnosis tears her from everyday life and forces her to face unpleasant truths. Without further ado, she makes her escape with the help of the illegal truck driver Sami and unintentionally sets the whole family in motion.

Lena Lorenz - Mutterliebe
Petra Hoffmann is in her early 50s and pregnant. She is not carrying her own child though, but that of her daughter. Midwife Lena Lorenz has been looking after mother and daughter for a while and the pregnancy has been unproblematic thus far, but shortly before the birth the family starts to break apart.

Bodycheck - Mit Herz durch die Wand

As Felicitas' life is turned upside down, she doesn't know if her nightmares are taking over or if something bigger is trying to control her - and the only way to find out the truth is her best friend Natascha who is locked up in an asylum.