Movies by Andrew Bednarski
A Good Tree
A trio of children steal a fir tree for a Christmas tree from a grouchy neighbor and later resolve to make amends.
The Crown Prince
Frank Robinson abuses his wife verbally and batters her physically, with frightening consequences not only for her, but also for their sons, Billy and Freddy. This thought-provoking drama delves into the complexities teenagers encounter when faced with such issues, highlighting the beginning of a healing journey for this family.
Family Sins
Gordon has a loving wife and two sons, Bryan and Keith, but he favors his spoiled younger son Keith over Bryan, who is defiant and not good at sports. As Gordon begins to yell and hit Bryan, Bryan's behavior slips towards the psychotic side and he takes it out on beings who can't defend themselves until he goes way too far one day during a summer camping trip.
Miles to Go…
After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's life.