Movies by Yoichi Hayashi
The Shogun's Vault III
Ichibei, a thief known as "Yami no Kiba," and his daughter Oasa are caught by members of a street performer family with a nationwide organization when the kite they are riding falls deep into the mountains of Owari. Nitayu, the key person in the clan, learns of Ichibei's obsession to avenge his father's murder by the Tokugawas and promises to help him. When Ichibei learns of Shogun Ienari's plan to transport a pure gold statue of Prince Ieyasu from Sunpu to Edo Castle, he joins forces with the bandit Kojiro to steal it. ......
History of Jirocho Shimizu
A historical chivalric drama with tears and laughter, telling the story of Jirocho Shimizu's family, his confrontation with Katsuzo Kurokoma's family, right up to the final battle on the Tenryu River to avenge Ishimatsu Mori.
The Shogun's Vault I
Tomizo, a master storehouse-breaker who has been released from prison in Denmacho after serving five years plans to break into the Edo Castle gold storehouse to avenge the death of his father, who died a violent death at a gold mine on Sado Island. With the help of Hanji, a playboy who took care of him in prison, as his partner, Tomizo decides on the night of fireworks to be held in Edo Castle as the day to carry out his plan. Kanpei, a wise man, is suspicious of the plan.