Movies by Julián Soler

Cruz Diablo
16th-century swashbuckler; evil nobleman usurps another man's title and properties and forces his daughter to marry a political ally. But Cruz Diablo will have revenge!

After being caught embezzling from his clinic to impress his high society lover and support his gambling habit, a doctor flees to a remote Indian village to volunteer as a humanitarian aid worker. There he tries to mitigate the onslaught of a strange disease called "Amok," while his past continues to haunt him.

The Dead Speak
Professor Jiménez believes the human retina retains the image of the last thing a person sees before death. Only his student Eduardo stands by him in the face of widespread mockery. Together they will try and prove the professors theory but fate has a unpleasant way of helping them do this.

Forgotten Faces
A woman looses her baby girl in a train accident but, years later, the girl's father reveals that the baby survived and was raised by him with two other daughters.