Movies by Annmari Kastrup

6 points
Set in a small Swedish town, the story is centered around three best friends aged 20. Michelle, a photo model, has a drinking problem which leads to a string of one-night-stands, including sex with the hot tempered boyfriend of Anna. She has just moved in with him and is too much in love too see his faults. Petra is their clever friend who must combine being pregnant with operating her own café.

Ömer lives with his family in a suburb of Stockholm. One of his sons, Kemal, respect his father's strict authoritarian and traditional Muslim values. The other Metin wants to live for more liberal norms. A conflict between the two brothers arise.

Venus 90
A film crew travels out in a future Europe to make a documentary about the birds and threats to the ecological contexts. The motto of the film has been downloaded from the Indian chief, Chief Seattle's famous words from 1855; "You can not sell the sky, and everything that affects the Earth affect the humans".

Cymbeline, the King of Britain, is angry that his daughter Imogen has chosen a poor man for her husband. So he banishes Posthumus, who goes to fight for Rome. Imogen goes in search of her husband, who meanwhile has boasted to his pal Iachimo that Imogen would never betray him. And Iachimo's determined to prove him wrong. Recorded at a Pistoltearern performance.