Movies by Kai Holm

Nøddebo Præstegaard
Dreams Don't Make Noise When They Die
It has hardly been seen before that a 83-year-old actor has starred in a Danish film, but it is the case here, where Kai Holm says goodbye to a long life in film and theater service. He plays an old peasant who on his deathbed is waiting for his son (Jon Bang Carlsen). In a few days he relives the village life, he comes from, and which was marked by a hard and authoritarian upbringing. He is at his father's deathbed despair because it is still impossible to make contact, and in a crisis situation, he recognizes his father's brutality in itse...

Karen, Maren og Mette

Church and organ
Grethi Birger is 17 years old - and now stands all alone in the world. Her mother, the great singer, has died in Paris and she has never known his father.