Movies by Charles Lawrence

Wild Elephinks
Popeye and Olive, adrift on a raft, land on what apparently is Africa, and are immediately battling elephants and gorillas (also a moose!). Popeye eventually battles an entire menagerie at once - after first gulping down a can of spinach, of course.

Shiver Me Timbers!
Popeye, Olive, and Wimpy stumble across a ghost ship. They climb aboard, and it proceeds to scare them in various ways.
One Way Out
A man in the mythical Elyria tries to kill himself but a cop stops him from doing so. In Elyria, one needs a permit to commit suicide, so off the man goes to the Department of Suicides for a suicide permit, which he is granted.
Lillian's Dilemma
Lillian dresses as a man to gain access to a boy's school. (from Performing Queer Female Identity on Screen: A Critical Analysis of Five Recent Films)