Movies by Georgia Woodthorpe

Rouged Lips

Rouged Lips

Thrifty orphan Norah MacPherson meets wealthy young James Patterson, who gets her a job as a chorus girl. They fall in love. To put up a good front, she spends all her money on clothes. Patterson doubts her when he sees her wearing a string of fake pearls; he then finds that she hasn't been unfaithful, and they are reconciled.

The Midnight Man

The Midnight Man

Bob Gilmore, a young clubman, is called by telephone to his home, where his parents are giving him a birthday party. He overhears one of the men guests make a slurring remark about his mother's appearance, and proceeds to punish him then and there, throwing the entire gathering into an uproar. Later in the evening he assumes guilt for a check which had been in reality forged by his foster father, in order to save the mother's feelings, but obtains a written confession from the guilty man for future use if necessary. Learning that he had been...



A young woman borrows money from her boss for her wedding dress. After the marriage he asks to be repaid, and she--not liking to ask her husband for money--writes a check on her husband's account. When he discovers that his wife has written a check to another man and not told him, complications ensue.

Better Times

Better Times

Ezra Scroggs is a shiftless gambler who has let his hotel, the Lakeview, fall on hard times. Finally his daughter Nancy gets fed up seeing all the business go to his rival, Si Whittaker at the Majestic, and she decides to do something about it.

The Viking War

The Viking War

Ingrid and her siblings are on the run from the Beserkers who have begun invading the villages, taking over, savagely using the residents on a game where they vs a Beserker, and if they win, they get to survive - only, no one ever wins. The siblings are trying to escape the Beserkers after they violently murdered and took over their town. However, the Beserkers are on their trail, and want to put them in the game.