Movies by Park Joo-min
The Black
The National Intelligence Service (NIS) intervened with the 2012 presidential election, and the court has acquitted NIS. This documentary tracks the long process where a special team of prosecutors formed after the inauguration of PARK Geunhye administration discovering the truth under all kinds of external pressures and obstructions. This documentary also tracks the footsteps of the late LEE Namjong, who reminded us the NIS Intervention incident.
Candlelight Revolution
“What kind of person do you think former President Park Geunhye is?” Sohn Seokhee, a journalist, gives a clear and sharp answer that he “shares the common ideas that people in our country have.” That common idea has led millions to bring candles to the streets, correcting a thread of history that has gone awry, and gather a sense of hope among people. Candlelight Revolution portrays the voices of citizens from various generations, political figures of different parties, and the witnesses of an administration under improper influence. It is a d...