Movies by Liudmyla Tomashevska

The Fox and the Ouzel
This story takes place in a Ukrainian village. A thievish fox could not resist not eating some poultry. One night he crawled into a house to steal a chicken, but his actions awakened the owners of the house. In an attempt to flee, he fell into a trap. Only the Ouzel could solve all the fox’s problems.

A Favour
Mistress Hen has a lot of worries every day. She needs to feed the chickens, take them to kindergarten, clean, iron, and prepare dinner. But how to cook something without salt? Hen goes to the neighbor Goose to borrow salt, but she asks to do her a favour. A simple request triggers a whole cascade of favours that must be arranged to get...salt. The cartoon satirically mirrors the rampant barter and blat in the poor Soviet society of the late "stagnation" era.

Come Back, Kapitoshka!
A wolf cub misses his friend Kapitoshka and wants to see him again and have fun with him. Kapitoshka is an unusual creature that is completely made of the water, which wears a funny beret and loves to sing and play. A letter brought by a crow will help shed light on whether Kapitoshka will be able to return to the wolf.

Sun Loaf
A fabulous story about how the dough ran away from the grandmother early in the morning. And it turned, toasted in the sun, into a sweet solar korovai, which was enough for animals and birds to eat.

About Everyone In The World
The puppy wished that all the cats would disappear, which was fulfilled, but they turned out to be very useful.

The Story Of The Girl Who Stepped On Bread
The girl Inge was good and loved... herself very much. Inge was given bread to take to her poor parents, and she, crossing a puddle and afraid to dirty her new shoes, threw the bread in the mud and stepped on it. From such a terrible act, the earth parted and swallowed her. Based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale.

Mikolino's Wealth
Poor Mikola came to the fair, but he has no money, only dreams and a cheerful disposition. On the way home, he got caught in the rain and took refuge in a terrible house, where he met with the ghost miller.

The Sun and the Little Snow Men
This story took place one day in winter, when snowmen in the woods were afraid that the heat radiated by the sun would bring them irreparable harm. These kind creatures just did not want to melt and decided to find the sun, urged him not to warm the earth. They did not even know how it looks like when they started their path, and then they realized all living things need it...