Movies by James Cardwell

The Devil On Wheels
A teenager is involved in running from the police in his hot rod hits a car in a hit-and-run case where the victims turn out to be his mother and his best friend in another hot rod.

San Antone Ambush
Just after the Civil War a Texan and his men are fighting a ruthless Commissioner and his excessive taxes. After a Lieutenant is falsely accused of a pay wagon massacre by the Commissioner's men, he deserts the Army and tries to clear himself. At first he belives the Texan was behind the massacre but then learns it was the Commissioner and joins the Texan in his fight.

Trouble Preferred
A suicide attempt is investigated by a pair of female police rookies.

Robin Hood Of Texas
When the bank is robbed, Gene and the boys are singing nearby and the Chief arrests them as gang members but lets them go thinking they will lead them to the others.