Movies by Cooper Freshwater



A miscommunication in an online booking brings together two strangers for a single night. Erin, who suffers from sleep paralysis, and Maddison, who has vicious sleep walking episodes. Conscience or not, Maddison has other horrific plans for Erin's short stay.

No Running in the Halls

No Running in the Halls

In a humorless corporate world ruled by a strict boss who bans all forms of joy, a group of rebellious employees create a secret haven for fun and connection through underground card games. The stakes drastically rise when their secret gets suddenly brought into the light.

Al Coda

Al Coda

Nathan, a student at a prestigious music academy, struggles to recreate a piece of sheet music stolen by an egocentric professor. After given just 2 hours to complete this task, we see the highs and lows of Nathan’s process as it alters the way he thinks about the creation of art itself.