Movies by Ramzi Maqdisi

Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine
An African American gospel choir is the Greek chorus for a Palestinian play on Martin Luther King, Jr. which tours the West Bank, preaching nonviolence. The devoutly Christian choir grew up in churches strongly allied with Israel. On their first trip to the Holy Land they witness the harsh realities of life under occupation, a nonviolent movement for justice, and an assassination. Our story is a unique view of a crucial human rights conflict. Mixing the excitement of foot-stomping gospel music and creative theater it reveals the power of art...

The Translator
A Syrian exile living in Australia returns when his brother is taken into custody by the Assad regime in 2011.

Solomon's Stone
Hussein, a Palestinian young man, receives a letter from the Israeli post office in which he must show up to pick up a mysterious delivery. What he finds out right there is that he has to pay US$ 20,000 to take it out.

Ghost Hunting
A set-up for an experiment in an empty room. Former inmates reconstruct an Israeli secret service interrogation centre. These Palestinian men use role play to come to terms with their memories and the humiliation they have experienced.