Movies by Alice Howell

The Great Toe Mystery

The Great Toe Mystery

A man goes in hot pursuit of the shoe store clerk he feels has made inappropriate advances towards his wife.

Dangerous Pleasure

Dangerous Pleasure

This story deals with a man, who causes his wife great jealousy on account of his relation to other women, yet who regards himself as a man of destiny in settling others unhappy marital relations. He is named co-respondent in a suit - leaves town - takes a house in a smaller village - picks up a little girl on the street in his car and drives into the country.

He Loved the Ladies

He Loved the Ladies

That's the Spirit

That's the Spirit

Mr Green tells his wife that spiritualism is the bunk. She offers to run a seance that evening. While she does so, a crooked scientist creeps in to steal a skeleton and a chicken thief does likewise to general confusion in this Universal horror-comedy short.

The Winning Five

The Winning Five

Chapter 2 of the second series of the Universal Pictures silent serial "The Collegians".

Father was a Loafer

Father was a Loafer

A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.

Hoot Toot

Hoot Toot

Magnolia Milkshake, having a husband who is exempted because of possessing a disease which might be called "too much fat" is desirous of helping the boys across the ferry mop up Bill Hohenzollern's place, tries very hard to join the Red Cross. After various tests she is finally rejected. Since this plan didn't work out she decides to join the kaiser-killers herself and so enters the recruiting station right next door. Here she is again rejected because of a flat head. Having failed twice she goes home feeling that she needs a little training...