Movies by Fuuko Yagura

Raise Your Arms and Twist - Documentary of NMB48
Launched in 2011 as a sister group to girl band behemoth AKB48, the Osaka-based NMB48 has become a musical force itself. With a string of No.1 hit singles and albums, not to mention sell-out performances, NMB48 continues Japan’s pop-music phenomena. Director Funahashi Atsushi, whose documentary work has previously chronicled such harrowing events as the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, pulls back the curtain on the life and struggles of the band members and the workings of the idol-making industry.

Cutie Honey Emotional
In the near future, Panther Claw has destroyed the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The capital government is forced to shift into the provinces. During this time, Honey Kisaragi has transferred to St. Chapel Academy as part of a special course. This special course is the "New Generation Honey" project, where students, including Honey, become Cutie Honey.