Movies by Vlasta Chramostová

Johnny's Journey
Five years old Johnny is going for his first journey with no parents.
Jegor Bulyčov

Délka polibku devadesát
New Hyperion or Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood
From the behavior, discourse, and appearance of individual actors, Vachek composes, in the form of a mosaic, a broad and many-layered film-argument about Czechoslovak democracy in the period of its rebirth, all administered with the director’s inimitable point of view.
Paní Bohdana
Případ paní Luneauové
Tři sestry
Nad námi svítá
What Is to Be Done? A Journey from Prague to Ceský Krumlov, or How I Formed a New Government
Quite a few years have passed since November 1989. Czechoslovakia has been divided up and, in the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus’s right-wing government is in power. Karel Vachek follows on from his film New Hyperion, thus continuing his series of comprehensive film documentaries in which he maps out Czech society and its real and imagined elites in his own unique way.
Ó ti lektoři
Sganarel lékařem
Tvrdohlavá žena a zamilovaný školní mládenec
Příběh lásky plné
A young woman from an old patrician family in Prague collapses and is institutionalized in a psychic ward. The non-linear narration unveils here fortunes one by one. The prose of Jakub Arbes is the basis for this experimental film poem. The storyline is uncovered in a mosaic of pictures in a purely visual form, without a single word.

Rudá záře nad Kladnem