Movies by Brian Sutherland

Thursday the 12th
Two failed film-school graduates closing in on their 30s, the fearful Seth Franco and the unreliable James Rogen, are stuck working the same jobs they had in high school. Life for these two already has its fair share of complications, but things get a whole lot worse when the superstitions Seth has for Friday the 13th come true, only a day early.

In 1848, Phineas Gage suffers an unspeakable brain injury when a tamping rod plunges through his skull, causing dramatic shifts in his personality. His physician Dr Harlow watches over his recovery and must choose whether or not to fight for this outcasts place in the local community.

Dead West
A charismatic serial killer embarks on a murderous cross-country road trip in search of true love.

Two days after the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, a young careerist is abducted by an at-large intelligence operative carrying a mysterious briefcase, while being hotly pursued by a driven agency director and her dull-witted team.

We Take the Low Road
A Wiki-Leaks release illuminates the collusion amongst politicians and the medical industry that drives the cost of medical care to an unattainable price for the middle class. With the guilty parties' names and addresses being released, a vigilante movement springs up around the Untied States. After his father loses the battle with cancer, Mason, along with Thompson and Bobbi, seek violent justice and hope for riches along the way. A shotgun blast sparks a string of unintended consequences that leads the group down a dark road.