Movies by Pierre Franckh

Peter Pan
Peter Pan is an adolescent boy who has escaped from his parents to the dreamland of Nowhere. Peter is determined to remain a little boy forever; because the adult world does not please him at all. Together with the fairy Tinkerbell, Peter Pan lures the girl Wendy and her two brothers John and Michael to Nowhere, where Peter teaches them to fly. They join forces with the Indians, led by the beautiful Tigerlilly, to fight together against the evil Captain Jack Haken and his wild pirates.

The Deathmaker
Fritz Haarmann, who has killed at least 27 boys, is questioned by a psychology professor in order to find out whether he is sane and can be held responsible for his crimes. During this interrogation Haarmann reveals his motives and his killing methods.
Rosenzweig's Freedom
When Michael Rosenzweig, a working-class German Jew, is charged with the murder of a neo-Nazi leader, he and his family find themselves fighting for justice in the face of a brick wall of prejudice.