Movies by Anzu Lawson

Middleton Christmas
In a small town, high-school dean Alana and her vivacious teenage daughter Samantha plan a holiday concert to save the school with the help of the new maintenance man, Army veteran Johnny, and his quiet son Max. But when a car accident lands Sam in a life-threatening condition, Alana turns to Johnny for support, and Max makes a desperate decision that will forever bond their families together. All four must question their values about sacrifice, family, and love - and what it means to be thankful for another Christmas.

My Landlord Wants Me Dead
A college dropout unwittingly puts her own life at stake when she investigates a series of strange and terrifying events at her aunt's secluded ranch house.
Hollywood Heist
An agent trying to land an actor tells the story of a movie producer and a fading movie star, as they race against time and defy famous actors, drug lords, and death to save their latest production after their funding is stolen.

Nelma Kodama: The Queen of Dirty Money
Out of prison, notorious black-market currency trader Nelma Kodama exposes her part in a major Brazilian corruption scandal.