Movies by Tamara Makarova

The Memory of the Heart
The story of an English pilot who crashed in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, and whose life is saved by a woman and a boy - two partisans near the enemy lines, Long afterwards in England he remembers the Russians with affection, tells his friends about his experiences, and resolves to go back to find the two partisans his heart remembers.

The Brave Seven
Six polar explorers arrives to a remote island in Arctic for a year-long scientific expedition. When their ship departs, they unpack only to find a young stowaway, who romanticized Arctic heroes, and tried to join them on multiple occasions finally succeeding. That's how six became seven. Life of polar explorers is tough, and full of danger. During one year they are largely isolated from the mainland, and should survive using their resourcefulness, smarts, knowledge, and existing supplies with occasional unreliable radio communications. The...

Lev Tolstoy
The film consists of two parts: “Insomnia” and “Departure”. We shall meet Lev Tolstoy in the final years of his life at Yasnaya Polyana. We shall see him surrounded by his family, friends, acquaintances and absolute strangers who were coming to the great man and artist from all over the world. We shall hear “the voice of his thoughts”. In his sleepless nights, we shall follow his memory of the happy youthful years and the crucial, hard ones. We shall witness Tolstoy’s tragic departure from Yasnaya Polyana and his death at an obscure little ...

Men and Beasts
The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, wit...

The Journalist
A successful young journalist goes to a small industrial city in order to understand the written complaints of a certain girl. When he met the author of the letters and the girl whom she had slandered, he didn't immediately understand the complexity of the situation and the measure of responsibility to those whom he was obliged to protect...

The Ural Front
August 1941. Residents of the Ural town escorted to the front of men. Left alone, women take on the most difficult cases, showing outstanding organizational skills and will. Together with the evacuated plant, refugees arrive in the town. The heroine of the Film Anna takes to her house a woman with children — her example is followed by the rest…

The Invincible
The autumn of 1941. Leningrad is besieged by the Nazis. A new model of tank is being developed at a large defense plant. Built in the shortest possible time combat vehicles are tested directly on battlefields, fighting with fascists in the outskirts of the city. The first feature film about the heroic everyday life of city defenders was shot directly in assembly shops of plants and in the streets of Leningrad when the city was fighting against the enemy

The New Teacher
A young teacher comes to work in his native village, plans to build a new school. The arrival of the teacher causes confusion in the soul of the young neighbor Agrafena Shumilina.