Movies by Sam Eidson

The Trolls

The Trolls

A Texas tech start-up breaks every crowdfunding record in the books, but they lose it all when a patent troll shuts them down. Refusing to go down without a fight, our heroes use a legal loophole to beat the trolls at their own game. By obtaining a patent for BEING a patent troll, they're able to... troll the trolls.

Death Metal

Death Metal

A metalhead gets passed down a satanic guitar that riffs to shreds.

68 Kill

68 Kill

Chip's problem is that he can't say no to beautiful women. This weakness gets him into a world of trouble when he agrees to help his girlfriend steal $68,000.

Maybe Shower

Maybe Shower

Ash, Shannon, and Wendy are all late. You know... LATE. As their collective anxiety grows, they band together to face their fears, confront the potential fathers, and egg a car or two. All part of the world's first maybe shower.

Sentimental Value

Sentimental Value

A group of coworkers buy a piano at a yard sale for a friend in need.

Bad Guy #2

Bad Guy #2

When you're the #2 Bad Guy, your days are usually numbered.

Keith & Heath

Keith & Heath

A story of two identical twins that are the best of friends...and puppets.