Movies by Janet Paschal

What A Time

What A Time

If the Homecoming Friends look like they're having fun on the :What A time!" video, they are! Packed into this 90-minute video we featured artists Jonathan Wilburn, gold City, Jake Hess, David Phelps, Eva Mae LeFevre, James Blackwood, Ivan Parker, Ann Downing, the Reggie Saddler Family, and the Pfiefers, just to name a few. The Crabb Family make their big debut with "Please Forgive Me" while the Lewis Family perform a tune - "this Flight That Is Leavin' Soon" - that's guaranteed tp make everyone a bluegrass lover. Another bright moment is "S...

Oh, My, Glory!

Oh, My, Glory!

As Bill Gaither and The Homecoming Friends’ tribute to Memphis’ mighty Mississippi River, Ivan Parker sings “Love Is Like A River.” Other highlights include “I Shall Wear A Crown,” “Oh My Glory, Glory, Glory” and lots of comedy from Mark Lowry and his favorite target, Bill Gaither.

Holy Ground

Holy Ground

Gathering together to tape the Homecoming Series has been a rich worship experience. The love, strength, shared history, encouragement, joy, commitment, and celebration in that room left everyone feeling that they were on Holy Ground. As you watch this video and listen to the music of the songs, you too will witness the feeling of being on Holy Ground.

Sunday Meetin' Time

Sunday Meetin' Time

There was a time when the need for "community" pulled folks from their homes to country churches for worship and fellowship. Today, we are crowded into cities, surrounded by stimulation, and bombarded by noise. Yet, we are often no closer to each other than we were our pioneer ancestors. Now, more than ever, we need community, fellowship, and a place to turn our hearts toward the things that last forever.