Movies by Ido Tako

By His Will
Elisha, a young religious teen dealing with his attraction to men, is torn between two worlds — the religious world from which he comes and the secular world that attracts and seduces him. He goes through a shaky journey that has him facing a decision that will shape his life.

Boys on Film 23: Dangerous to Know
Boys on Film presents ten encounters from across the globe, where the dangerous allure of a risky attraction yields emotional results — proving that the age-old adage of taking the plunge is as relevant — and sexy — as ever before. The 10 short films are: My Uncle's Friend [O Amigo do Meu Tio] (2021); Budapest, Closed City [Budapest, zárt város] (2021); Eden (2020); Chaperone (2022); Break Me [Knus meg] (2018); By His Will [שעשני כרצונו] (2021); Red Ants Bite (2019); Jim (2022); Hornbeam (2022); Too Rough (2022).

A miraculous conception. A merciless king. A murderous pursuit. Mary's journey to give birth to Jesus unfolds in this biblical coming-of-age epic.

The Vanishing Soldier
Shlomi, a young Israeli soldier, flees back to his girlfriend in Tel Aviv only to discover that the military elite is convinced he was kidnapped in the fog of war.