Movies by M. R. Radha



The story revolves around the portrayal of the ten different avatars of Lord Vishnu namely Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Balarama and Kalki.

Saranam Ayyappa

Saranam Ayyappa

Adaikalam, an accused, who has been imprisoned for many years helps two other men to escape from jail. They decide to mingle with the devotees travelling to Sabarimala in order to trick the police.

Ratha Kanneer

Ratha Kanneer

Mohanasundaram, a philanderer and drunkard, gets married to Chandra after he returns to India. Though he has a wife, he develops a relationship with Kantha, a prostitute.